DPO Services

Do not think about GDPR anymore, we take care of everything.

Advisory and delivery guidance are based on our sources including: EDPB, ISACA, IAPP, Solvay Brussels School.
Methods are based on the competences inventory as lectured at the Program in European Data Protection study.
Experts are certified professionals with senior level expertise.

Flexible offers depending of your needs.

Regulated DPO activity

Operating the DPO office or supporting the DPO by external services. Develop processes and implement required operations (GDPR article 39/1).


Inform & advise of stakeholders obligations.
Monitor compliance with the regulation.
Provide advice where requested and monitor its performance in line with the DPIA.
Cooperate with the supervisory authority.
Act as the contact point and consult with the supervisory authority

Implementation oversight

Supervise, Assess and monitor all compliance implementation activities across various delivery dimensions.

Assist management & GDPR strategy.
Assist in Data Protection Impact Assessment
Oversight on compliance transformation and incident handling processes.
Assist and implement Information Security safeguards.

Awareness & Education

Planning, coordinating and delivering education and awareness actions to influence stakeholders culture and behaviour.


Deliver education & awareness campaigns.
Organize management briefings.
Overview change management activity

Dashboard & Reporting

Monitor risk and develop Performance and Goal indicators along with reporting and Dashboard. Plan for audit and for certification (GDPR article 39/2).

Develop GDPR Dashboard to monitor operational and implementation risks.
Address mitigations with compliance project delays and consultant responsiveness.
Plan for audit & certification.

Contact us

ICT Control and GDPRPRO.com operate since 1999.

GDPR related services are offered to clients since 2016.

Digital Trust Services are offered since 1999.


GDPR Audit

DPO Services

Education & Awareness


Georges Ataya

Alain Cieslik

Xavier Vecchiato

Cathy Coolen

Gail Smith

Vincent Haenecour

Philippe Meulders
